Posted by: | November 14, 2005

RE: Power of Word of Mouth

50% more likely to be influenced by word-of-mouth? Yep! Then, combine that with Scobles latest blog posting in which a company told him their sales doubled after he linked to them! The power of “word of mouth” and “blogging” clearly has real power. Hell, I’ve been meaning on emailing Scoble about my own start-up “SmashFly technologies”, with the hope that he’d blog about it…but according to him, he has 400+ emails waiting for him to read, with many asking him to blog about their company! it’s no wonder.

As many have talked about, Blogging can be a huge marketing tool for companies, but it appears to me that it’s fundamentally changing the game. How you get your name out there and “recognized” could eventually be linked to how well “connected” you are in the blogosphere…at least in your industry. very interesting stuff though…and from my perspective…great news. Maybe the days of needing a gignatic marketing budget are over…and if you have a product/service that is valuable…the “word of mouth” bloggers will reward you appropriately. In SmashFly’s case….I sure hope so. We DO have a product that provides tremendous value…and it’s only going to get better and better.

Media Guerilla points to interesting research from Intelliseek that finds that consumers are “50% more likely to be influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations from their peers than by radio/TV ads.”

What’s equally interesting is that that finding is slightly higher than results from a year ago. Seems to show that the power of us is gaining strength. Which i think is kind of interesting, given how many more people are piling into peer to peer collaboration.

[Via BusinessWeek Online – Blogspotting]

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